Vanderloo Family Medicine would like to take a moment to explain Telehealth.
What is it?
A Telehealth visit, also known as Telemedicine, utilizes technology, such as texting, video conferencing, and healthcare questionnaires, to provide care for illnesses from the comfort of a patient’s home. This service is especially important right now during our “Shelter-in-Place” order issued by Governor Reeves due to the highly contagious Corona Virus outbreak. Vanderloo Family Medicine offers Telehealth visits for $50 per visit. Dr. Vanderloo uses HIPPA compliant technology to deliver services to you in a secure and confidential manner. Of course, we recognize that some appointments must occur in-person, such as the need for sutures or stitches, and Dr. Vanderloo will be glad to see you in the office when needed. Our goal is to keep patients with minor illnesses from going to the Emergency Room; the ER needs to be available for the most critically ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have questions deciding between a telehealth visit or an in-person visit, we are happy to guide you.
How do I set an appointment?
To set up a Telehealth Visit, or learn more, please click on the Get in Touch button. You may also call Dr. Vanderloo at 601.228.5491. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 1-5 pm, with increased availability for Direct Primary Care members.